As an Advanced Clinical Massage & Sports Massage Therapist at Knotsology, I use the Jing Method™, a multi-modal & East meets West fusion of techniques. With my future clients in mind, it was important to find somewhere I could get further and continual professional development as a bodyworker. The Jing Advanced Massage Institute in Brighton, England is the only school in all the UK to offer a BTEC level 6 Professional Diploma in Advanced Clinical Massage & Sports Massage. It is a three year advanced education for massage therapists already qualified in the UK.
As part of the final year you conduct a 12 week research study on a topic of your choosing, write a dissertation, and talk about your results in an Online Clinical Massage Research Conference. I have really enjoyed the last three years and being able to have my dissertation as an addition to the bodywork industry research pool. I invite you to either watch the Online Clinical Massage Research Conference 2023 live or catch the recap by registering here.
Clinical Massage for depression, anxiety and stress
In the UK, one in six people experience anxiety or depression in any given week while one in four will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year. Adults who live with stress, anxiety, or depression are impacted by their mental health, not just physically but also emotionally and socially. The symptoms experienced can affect an individual's ability to not only reach out but be proactive in their own wellness and self-care. Add the cultural shift of the pandemic, online outlets have now become a reality for many adults and appropriate for those vulnerable.
The Effects of the Online jing method™ of advanced clinical massage on mental health in adults
In September of 2022 I began a 12 week research study to look at an online program using the Jing Method™. 22 participants were recruited at the start of the control period and 13 completed the 12- week research project. The research project had a within-subject design where each participant experienced all the same conditions within the study. The participants completed a DASS-42 questionnaire once a week for 12 weeks. The first six weeks were used as a control period with no intervention to find a baseline. From week seven the participants participated in six weeks of intervention. This included completing a 60-minute pre-recorded online wellness session based on the Jing Method™ and multi-modal approach of Advanced Clinical Massage Therapy. The study participants also attended an online weekly check-in at the start of each week and the researcher posed a quantifier that allowed them to progress to each stage in the intervention phase.
Dissertation on Clinical Massage & Mental Health using the Jing Method™
Upon finishing my dissertation, I began preparations for talking about the results at the Online Clinical Massage Research Conference 2023. I look forward to sharing the results with you there. I can say now that while bodywork has been around for a long time, there is a gap in studies that take a specific look at the benefits it can play on mental health in adults in an online platform. This leaves room for further studies that can reach larger participant groups to evaluate the link The online Jing Method of Advanced Clinical Massage has on anxiety, stress, and depression among adults. Mental health is under-resourced and this offers a way to target more people to help with mental health.

"If you need help for a mental health crisis or emergency, you should get immediate expert advice and assessment." – NHS
Free listening services
There are free services that offer confidential support from trained volunteers.
"You can talk about anything that's troubling you, no matter how difficult"
Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans, or email: jo@samaritans.org for a reply within 24 hours
Text "SHOUT" to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line, or text "YM" if you're under 19
"The number will not appear on your phone bill."
waitlist now open for online sessions, register for july!
This Summer the Clinical Massage & Mental Health using the Jing Method™ will now be available for you to join! The waitlist to sign up for Online sessions for Massage on Mental Health is now open. Sign up today